Tarot entered my life at a time when I was deeply searching for my true self. I felt lost, trapped by the expectations and norms I thought others had for me. I was caught up in conforming to what was popular—listening to mainstream music despite my love for different genres, or dressing in ways that didn’t reflect my true style. I realised I was hiding parts of myself and neglecting what truly made me unique.

In the midst of this self-discovery, tarot emerged as a beacon of clarity. It provided me with insights and perspectives that helped me reconnect with those hidden aspects of myself. Tarot reading became more than just a tool; it became a guide that illuminated my path and encouraged me to embrace my authentic self.

Understanding that self-discovery is a continuous journey, I now dedicate myself to using tarot to help others navigate their own paths. Through tarot readings, I aim to offer you the same clarity, reconnection, encouragement, and empowerment that I received. Each card holds a piece of wisdom, and through the practice of tarot, I hope to provide you with valuable insights that will help you uncover and embrace your true self.

My goal is for you to experience the transformative power of tarot, just as I did. Let’s embark on this journey together, with tarot as our guide, to uncover and celebrate the unique person you are meant to be.

I’d love to help you on your journey.


  • "I have had multiple readings with Raven. Raven hit on several experiences from my past as well as providing me with information on an event that was to come that became factual. Ravens reading was amazing, she was caring, empathetic and spot on. Raven was extremely helpful with her guidance in making a sound decision of an upcoming event."


  • “I had a tarot reading done by Raven and it was such a surreal experience. I was absolutely in shock when information started coming up that I really didn’t tell anyone about. Raven made the experience delightful and her energy was amazing. I was able to feel comfortable with her as she was extremely welcoming and comforting, she was compassionate and extremely helpful to any questions I had to ask. She was such a beautiful person to be around with. Would definitely get another reading again!”


  • "My reading by raven was very insightful, it allowed me to reflect on myself and see the way I view my own experiences from another perspective. Her reading resonated well with me and has provided me with the clarity and guidance needed. 10/10 would get another reading from her again."


  • “After going back through my reading months later, and fully digesting and analysing it, do I really come to terms with how relevant this reading is to what has happened in this period of time. It is certainly changed the skeptic aspect of the tarot cards for me, personally and I found it extremely insightful. Can’t wait to have another reading of something else.”



  • Reconnection

    As a part of my readings, my main goal is to help my clients reconnect with their true selves.

  • Encouragement

    I believe in the power of compassion and always strive to find the encouraging message that the tarot is trying to convey, and present that to my client.

  • Empowerment

    In the final step, we work collaboratively to empower you in the best way possible, so you can continue on your desired path with a renewed sense of confidence and enthusiasm.