What do I do?

I specialise in providing compassionate guidance through the power of the Tarot. My focus is on helping you reconnect, find encouragement, and embrace empowerment, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and your path.

This is a great opportunity to explore the transformative power of the Tarot. Schedule your reading today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and clarity.

  • Tarot or Oracle readings delivered in pdf format for you to read and/or keep a copy of.

  • Tarot or Oracle readings delivered via video call for a more interactive experience.

  • This includes downloadable files that may assist you in your spiritual journey.

The services

Relationship Readings Tarot

For those who want to know more about the relationships they're in, how to spice things up and what you need to do to attract your partner.

General Reading Tarot

For those who have questions that don't already fit into any of the other services provided here. Things like spiritual and personal questions can be answered here.


General Oracle Reading

Great reading for answering your own specific question in a oracle reading format. They are less detailed, however their guidance can be quite profound.

Spirit Guidance Oracle Reading

A reading that specifically is tailored to those who wish to receive guidance from spirit. Spirit can come in the form of angels, guides, gods/goddesses and ancestors.


Work/career Readings Tarot

Reading specific to those who wish to know more about their current work/career. This one can outline opportunities, how one can be more successful in business ventures or what is needed to advance in current career.

Yes/no/maybe Tarot

A quick reading that can give some much needed guidance to a seeker about a question they want an answer to. This one is quick and nothing more than a simple yes/no/maybe answer to your question.

Forecasting Month Spreads

Forecasting Month Spreads

This reading forecasts the possible outcomes and opportunities that could come into the seekers life, based on their current surrounding energies.

This reading comes in a 4, 6 and 12 month spread.

Need Help With Tarot Questions?

Check out the blog for some valuable information!