Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Revelations by Ravens! We want to make sure you're aware of our terms and conditions before using our e-commerce website. By agreeing to these terms, you confirm that you've read and understood them and that you'll follow them whenever you're on our site.

If you have any objection to any of these Terms and Conditions, You must not continue to use this Website.

This Agreement is between You and Revelations by Raven, the terms “Revelations by Raven” or “us” or “we” or “our” refer to the owner of the Website. The terms “Customer” or “You” or “Your” refer to the User or Viewer of the Website. The above terminology applies to any or all Agreements, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer Notice.


When using this website and undertaking work with Revelations by Raven, you agree to and understand that all Readings, Events, Workshops and anything else contained herein are for Entertainment, Spiritual growth and Spiritual Guidance purposes only.

This work is NEVER a substitute for medical or psychological care and is not intended to replace therapy or the care of a qualified medical care provider.

Consumer Guarantees

When you receive a service from revelationsbyraven, we guarantee that it is safe, meaning it is not intended to harm others. That is looks visually aesthetic and acceptable and performs as expected, to entertain and provide spiritual growth and guidance.

Intellectual property

All content published and made available on our site is the property of the owner of Revelations by Raven this includes but is not limited to images, text, logos, documents, downloadable files, and anything that contributes to the composition of our site.

Age restrictions

The minimum age to use our site is 18 years old. Users agree that they are over the age of 18 by continuing use of our website. We do not assume any legal responsibility for false statements about age

Acceptable use

As a user of our site, you agree to use our site, legally. Do not use our site for illegal purposes and do not: harass or mistreat other users of our site

  • violate the rights of other users on our site

  • violate the intellectual property rights of the site owners or any third party to the site

  • hack into the account of another user on the site in a way that should be considered fraudulent post any material that may be deemed inappropriate or offensive

If we believe you are using a site illegally, or in a manner that violates these terms and conditions we then reserve the right to limit, suspend and terminate your access to our site.

We also reserve the right to take any legal steps necessary to prevent you from accessing our site.


When you create an account on our site, you agree to the following:

  • You are solely responsible for your account and the security and privacy of your account, including passwords or sensitive information attached to that account

  • All personal information you provide to us through our account is up-to-date, accurate and truthful and you will update your personal information if it changes

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account if we find you or believe that you're using our site illegally, or are violating these terms and conditions.

Sale of goods and services

These terms and conditions govern the sale of services available on our site. The following services that are currently available on our website are tarot readings and oracle readings.

The services will be paid for in full at the moment of purchase or order. These terms and conditions apply to all services that are displayed on a site at the time you access it. This includes all products listed as being out of stock. All information descriptions or images that we provide about our services are as accurate as possible. However, we are not legally bound by such information descriptions or images as we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the goods and services we provide. You agree to purchase services from our website at your own risk.

We reserve the right to modify reject or cancel your order whenever it becomes necessary.

If we cancel your order and have already processed your payment we will give you a refund equal to the amount you paid.

You agree that it is your responsibility to monitor your payment instrument to verify receipt or any refund


We accept the following payment methods on our website:

      • credit card

      • PayPal

      • stripe

      • debit and

      • direct debit

When you provide us with your payment information you authorise us access to the payment instrument you have chosen to use by providing us with your payment information.

You authorise us to change the amount due to this payment instrument.

If we believe your payment has violated any laws or any of these terms and conditions we reserve the right to cancel or reverse your transaction.

Refunds for services

We provide refunds for services, for any of the following reasons

  • If I refuse a reading for any reading (disclosed or not disclosed to client) after you have purchased a service.

  • Or when you have purchased a video call reading and we both cannot come to an agreement in terms of a suitable date and time for your reading.

Otherwise, refunds for services on this site are not allowed as you have been made aware multiple times of the disclaimers throughout the site, especially when you add a service to your cart.

We cannot offer refunds due to the nature of the service, being that it is for entertainment, spiritual guidance, spiritual growth and sent in a digital format. We don’t offer change of mind refunds and payment is final. You have considered this when purchasing any of the services we offer.

Limitation of liability

Revelations by Raven will not be liable for any actions, claims, losses, damages, liabilities and expenses, including legal fees from your use of this site.


Except where prohibited by law by using this site, you identify and hold harmless, Revelations by Raven from any actions, claims losses damages, liabilities and expenses, including legal fees arising from your use of this website or your violation of these terms and conditions.

Applicable law

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the State of Western Australia


If at any time any of the provisions outlined in these terms and conditions are found to be inconsistent or invalid under any applicable laws, those provisions will be deemed void and will be removed from the Terms and Conditions. All of the other provisions will not be affected by the removal and the rest of these terms and conditions will still be considered valid.


These terms and conditions may be amended from time to time to maintain compliance with the law and to reflect any changes to the way we operate our site and the way that we expect others to behave on our site.

We will notify users by email of the changes to the terms and conditions or post a notice on our website.

Social Media & Content Rights

On all of Revelations by Raven's Social Media pages and certain parts of our website offer the opportunity for our users to post comments, messages, text, files, images, photos, videos, sounds, other information, material and data (“Content”). Revelations by Raven does not edit Contents prior to their appearance on the website and Contents do not reflect the views or opinions of Revelations by Raven and its agents or affiliates. Contents reflect the view and opinion of the person who posts such a view or opinion. To the extent permitted by applicable laws Revelations by Raven shall not be responsible or liable for the Contents or for any loss cost, liability, damages or expenses caused and or suffered as a result of any use of and/or posting of and/or appearance of the Comments on this website.

You can not:

  • Republish material from our Website.

  • Sell, rent or sub-license material from our Website.

  • Reproduce, duplicate or copy material from our Website.

  • Redistribute content from our Website (unless content is specifically made for redistribution).

  • Unauthorised use of this Website may lead to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence.

Links to external websites

Occasionally, there are links to external website(s) which may be included on this Website, these are links to provide you with further information. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s) and do not accept responsibility or liability for the linked website(s).


If there should be a time where you would like to share your complaints to revelationsbyraven, you can do so by contacting us directly. Contact details are below.

Contact details

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns, our contact details are as followed:


You can also contact us through the feedback form available on our site.

Thank you.