Tarot Frequently Asked Questions.

What is tarot?

Tarot at its most basic level is simply beautiful art depicted onto card stock. There are many different decks in the world with many variations and renditions of the cards. But what makes the tarot a lot more interesting is the fact that they all have an association or meaning applied to each of the 78 cards. Some people read only upright meanings (this means the way the card is sitting in a spread, the art facing up or down) whilst others read reversed meanings too. 

Within a deck of 78 cards, 22 of those are called the major arcana, which consists of the iconic images: death, the lovers, and the fool etc. The remaining cards are divided up into the standard playing card system of 4 suits. Instead of the hearts, spades, clubs and diamonds, a traditional tarot deck would have cups, wands, swords and pentacles.

But what makes tarot beautiful, is that it is a symbolic map that contains the journey of the human experience. It is essentially a big storyboard, that can help us determine what we need to do to navigate the next journey or phase of life. It helps us see the possible chapters ahead and what we can do to make sure that we get the most out of those chapters, like helping us develop ourselves (character development). 

The tarot is a fascinating tool that has captivated the minds of many people. Whilst being visually appealing they also carry some very detailed and intriguing symbolism that are then used by many Tarot professionals around the world in hopes of bringing their clients the clarity and guidance they seek. 

How can tarot help me?

Tarot allows you to examine and contemplate the options you have in front of you and how to make the decisions that will benefit you the most. 

There is a wide range of issues that the tarot can engage with. From questions like, what is my purpose in life to simple guidance you would like to know for the day ahead. 

What Tarot can be used for:

  • brainstorming

  • self-development

  • sparking creativity

  • providing inspiration

  • tracking progress

  • consider a problem

  • accessing your intuition

  • processing past experiences

  • asking questions

  • having a look at the present moment

  • manifesting goals

  • planning desired outcomes for objectives  

  • entertainment

What can't tarot do?

- Tarot should not be used as a replacement for legal, medical or financial advice. 

-The Tarot cannot predict the future with absolute certainty.

-Tarot cannot be used to predict the winning lottery numbers, locate lost items, how many babies you'll have, or how many partners you'll have before you find the one, unfortunately.

Does tarot predict the future?

I have a firm belief that tarot is best used as a tool to forecast rather than be an absolute prediction of a circumstance a seeker is inquiring about. 

The tarot is merely a tool that can help you see the forces at play in your life, for me to then read and interpret for you. 

From there, we can discover what sort of options are available to you, for you to then choose how you'll act upon them. The best part is providing the necessary reconnection, empowerment and encouragement for you to then take on life with a new type of zest and confidence.

I am anxious about having a reading as it's my first time. What should I expect?

It's really a great honour to be the first reader to read for newbies so firstly, thank you and welcome!

I know that there can be some negative preconceived notions about tarot like, it forecasting some terrible unchangeable news or the fact that there can be some shifty readers that just want your money and have no clue about tarot.

But I am here to assure you that tarot can actually be quite fun and provide some great insights into your current life situation.

When you receive a reading with me, you should expect a to-the-point approach, I don't beat around the bush but I also always have compassion in mind. My main goal that I strive to provide to my clients is reconnection, encouragement and empowerment. Reconnection to the self, encouragement to help you pursue what you want to achieve, and empowering you to keep you on the road of success and growth. 

So, what is intuition?

Intuition is that voice that shows up and directs you. It's the ability to tune in and gather information about something that is not based on fact or logic. It's a deep innate inner knowing, the red flags that ping in your mind or the sinking gut feeling when in a certain situation. It's simply the guiding gut feeling that can govern a choice if you let it.  

Intuition isn't an ability only a few have, everyone has it. It's an innate human ability, some just have repressed it due to shame or intimidation. 

I use my intuition as well as my psychic gifts, alongside the pre-made tarot meanings to guide and further explore the meanings and interpretations of your cards to help give the best and more personal experience out of your reading. 

What will you not read for me?

I will not read for any questions that relate to medical issues, legal issues or any other issues about your finances. Also, to get a reading from me you have to be over the age of 18. I will not read directly about another person if it has nothing to do with you whatsoever (a client coming to me wanting to know about another person's life.)

I purchased a reading, how soon will I receive it?

At this stage I ask my clients to allow me 3 business days to complete your digital reading. I usually have my readings done as soon as possible from the time of purchase, however I do like to allow time if there should be any unforeseen situations arise.

For video call readings I will reach out to you as soon as possible to work out a time and date that works for you and me.

What information do you need from me and why?

In order to provide the best possible online digital readings for my clients I ask that I receive your accurate astrological sign along with your email address so I can send the end result to you. Providing me your astrological sign gives me a better energetic connection to you, as you won’t be physically sitting in the room with me selecting cards, I do it on your behalf.

As for video call readings it becomes easier for me to have an energetic connection to you as we are virtually sitting in the same energy.

How accurate are your readings?

Personally, I have been capable of telling and pinpointing some oddly specific details or information about my client or their situation only my client was aware of. Although, that aspect can be impressive I would like to remind my clients that the main goal of tarot is to provide guidance. The whole point of tarot is to not foresee but to guide a seeker on their journey. While it’s fascinating when specific details resonate with your personal experiences, the core of tarot is about illuminating paths and providing insights that can help you navigate your journey. Remember that no matter how intuitive or perceptive a tarot reader might be, we are all still human and not infallible. It’s perfectly healthy to approach these readings with a sense of skepticism and to use them as a tool for reflection rather than absolute truth. I encourage you to keep track of the insights and events mentioned during our readings and assess their relevance to your life. Your own experiences and research are invaluable in evaluating the guidance you receive. This balanced approach ensures that the readings are meaningful and applicable to your personal journey.