What is Protection Magick?

Protection in Magick: A Crucial Aspect for Beginners and Advanced Practitioners

Protection magick is arguably one of the most crucial aspects you’ll learn as a beginner in the craft. Throughout your journey in witchcraft, it will remain a fundamental practice, regardless of your experience level. In today’s unpredictable, chaotic, and often violent world, mastering protection magick is not just advisable; it’s essential. Understanding how to defend yourself from negative energetic influences and consequently, potential harm can significantly impact your well-being and effectiveness as a practitioner.

What is Protection Magick?

At its core protection magick involves intentionally creating psychic and energetic barriers against negative or hostile energies and influences. This practice aims to establish a protective shield around yourself, ensuring you remain safeguarded from various forms of attack, both seen and unseen.

Why Protection is Essential.

Life inherently involves risks. We are always toying with danger. For instance, travelling by vehicle exposes us to potential accidents, while certain professions, such as law enforcement, involve higher levels of danger. Despite these risks, we take precautions—seatbelts and safety protocols are standard measures to reduce harm. Similarly, in magick, we face subtle yet significant threats that can compromise our energetic well-being.

In terms of energy and the magickal world, threats can appear to be more inconspicuous. As practitioners of magick, we are like beacons of light, attracting various entities and energies. This attraction is akin to moths flocking to a flame. Without proper protective measures in place, we might unintentionally attract entities with varying intentions, whether benevolent or malevolent. Moreover, negative energies aren’t limited to external sources; self-directed negativity, such as harmful self-beliefs or errors in practice, can also pose significant threats.

Types of Threats in Magick-

  1. Entities and Spirits: As you explore witchcraft or occult practices, your energy becomes easier to notice for entities. These beings may seek to interact with you, and not all intentions are positive. Being vigilant about protecting yourself helps prevent unwanted spiritual interference.

  2. Malicious Intentions from Others: Other practitioners, intentionally or unintentionally, can direct negative energies that can be harmful to you (this can come in the form of hexes or curses.) Understanding and applying protection magick can mitigate these influences.

  3. Self-Directed Negativity: Sometimes, especially when you are a beginner you'll discover that the greatest threats come from within. Negative self-talk, self-doubt, and simple errors or oversights in your practice can weaken your energetic defences. By engaging in regular protection magick will help counteract internal challenges.

Identifying Attack:

If you remain vigilant in your magick practices, fortifying energetic shields and maintaining basic spiritual hygiene then most of the time you’re going to be fine. There are times though, when your practices will not be enough. This can cause an array of adverse reactions that can affect your health, luck, and general well-being. However, if you can identify the signs of an attack you have already taken the first step to combat it. 

Symptoms of attack-

External conditions- This type of attack affects the probability of events or luck in your life. Everything you touch turns to misfortune no matter how hard you try. This can also manifest as missed opportunities and failure in endeavours. This can be particularly frustrating and discouraging.

Mental condition- This kind of attack will affect your emotions and mental well-being. You may start to feel anxiety, despair and oppression without any known cause (and mental conditions have been ruled out by a medical professional.) Sometimes you might start to feel inexplicable bouts of confusion and moments of unfocus. Paranoia is another common symptom. You might feel like someone or something is following you. If someone is influencing you through their ownmagickal practice you might develop uncharacteristic tendencies, aversions and affinities. These changes are often subtle and may be better noticed by friends or family rather than yourself. It’s important to seek professional medical advice if you experience these symptoms, as they could also indicate a medical condition.

Physical condition-   Physical symptoms of an attack can be particularly distressing even to a seasoned magick practitioner. You might suffer from unexplained headaches, chronic fatigue, persistent illnesses, or sudden loss of interest in physical activities you once enjoyed such as sex. Other symptoms can include digestive issues like constipation. These physical manifestations can be alarming and disruptive, impacting your daily life and overall health. This too should be addressed by a medical professional to rule out any medical issues before you dismiss it as a spiritual attack. 

Effective Methods of Protection-

  1. Ritual Baths: Ritual baths are a versatile method of protection. They can range from simple to elaborate, depending on your preference. A basic shower to cleanse away negativity can be effective. For a more complex approach, if that's your style, you might opt for a bath infused with cleansing oils, herbs, and flower petals. The key components here are water and visualization. Water is traditionally considered a purifying element, and combining it with attentive intention enhances its protective properties.

  2. Smoke Cleansing: Smoke cleansing, also known as smudging, is an ancient practice from many cultures all over the world, that is utilised to purify spaces and individuals. Burning herbs such as rosemary, pine, cedar, and lavender releases smoke that clears away unwanted energies. Each herb has unique properties, so make sure to research and choose those that both align with your specific needs and are readily available in your geographical location.

  3. Shields: Creating protective psychic shields around yourself is an effective preemptive strategy. By mentally or spiritually erecting a psychic barrier, you can defend against potential attacks before they manifest. Shields are typically visualised as glowing walls or energetic fields in the shade of bright light, that keep you secure from harm. But, visualise your shields how you like, the more personal they are the more effective they will be.

  4. Jewellery: Everyday items, such as jewellery, can serve as powerful tools for protection. Many practitioners use talismans and amulets to safeguard themselves. Common protective jewellery includes pieces adorned with the evil eye, protective crystals such as obsidian, and symbols of animals known for their protective qualities. By imbuing your jewellery with meticulous intention, you can turn these simple items into potent magickal tools.


Protection magick is a vital practice for all levels of practitioners. It serves as an energetic shield against negative influences and helps maintain your energetic integrity. By incorporating the techniques discussed: ritual baths, smoke cleansing, shielding, and protective jewellery into your daily routine, you can create a mighty defence system that not only supports your journey in witchcraft and other occult practices you venture into but also ensures you can navigate the physical world with greater confidence and security.


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