Am I a Witch?

So, you want to know if you're a witch. Before we can dive into that question we must first start with defining the term. Witches are simply people who practice magick, divination or any other spiritual acts affiliated with their own specific passed-on traditions. Magick at its core is simply the act of bringing an intention of a specific goal to fruition through a multitude of esoteric methods like visualisation and belief.  

History and mainstream media have done a whole lot with witches. Usually, though it's negative in nature. They paint them as evil and ugly beings stopping at nothing to get what they want and even reveling in the harm of others. Typically they're depicted as merciless villains. Unfortunately, that has made it extremely difficult for the witches alive today to own up to their truth. When you are always encircled by the negative portrayal of your identity it's hard to live it. 

Now, I am not going to lie to you about the fact that there are some truly bad witches out there practising magick with the only intent of harming another. But in the same breath, there are many witches who seek to bring love and healing to others instead. Ultimately witches are just people, and people are both good and bad. So, it goes without saying that within the witchcraft community as vast as it is, there are going to be some bad apples, it's simply just human nature. 

So, what are the different types of witches?

You'd be surprised to know that there are various types of witches who practice different things and have differing opinions. Witchcraft in itself is not a singular practice, it's an umbrella term describing a person who practices the art of magick, not the specific type of magick they choose to exercise. Some people who follow a certain religion have also been found to incorporate manifestation/witchcraft into their faith in some way. 

Some types of witches are listed below however this is not a comprehensive list. I urge you to also conduct your own research on this matter to be properly educated on it. 

Coven based Witches- 

those who prefer to be part of a wider group of witches. Usually led by a high priestess/priest who then will combine their energy together to create a more powerful spell or ritual. They usually practice magick for themselves as a group or even extend their abilities to help their community. 

Hereditary Witches- 

a witch that has inherited their practice through their family line.

Folk Witch- 

a witch that practices magick passed down through their lineage or their local community. They may choose to work with plant allies from their specific region instead of non-native plants. 

Chaos Witch- 

witches that hold the belief that if it works then just use it. They tend to be more scientific and are always willing to try any magickal method to see if it is suitable for them or not. Often they gravitate to practices that are simple yet efficient using whatever they have available to them at that moment. 

Elemental Witch- 

those that work with the elements such as earth, wind, air and fire.  

For example:

  • An earth witch may read bones, have animal messengers and listen to plant allies to name a few.

  • An air witch may do divination through the clouds in the sky, sonic magick and healing as well as smudging.

  • A fire witch may do divination through fire, candle magick, and sex magick. 

  • A water witch may explore scrying, weather protection and or engaging with undines. 

Ceremonial Witch- 

those that practice “high magick” which usually entails elaborate or specific rituals. 

Sex Witch- 

those who practice sex magick which involves working with arousal and orgasms as a ritual to receive their intentions. Sexuality is viewed as a sacred practice here. 

Hearth Witch- 

those that focus on making their home a magickal space. They weave magick into things like cooking, cleaning and other home-related rituals. 

Baby Witch- 

those who are new and acquiring knowledge about witchcraft. 

So, are you a witch?

To be frank if you found yourself here on this blog, then the likelihood of you being a witch is quite high. There’s a reason why you’ve researched this. It’s because you already know. If you practice witchcraft or ‘manifesting’, then you're a witch. Basically, if you set intentions and those come to fruition in some way despite how you make them happen (it could be as simple as blowing a candle out on a birthday cake whilst making a wish), then you can call yourself a witch.

Another question that may be worth asking yourself now is, ‘What sort of witch am I most aligned with?’

With the list above are there any that you gravitate to or are interested to learn more about? If so, I'd start there or if you already know that information I urge you to continue to learn more about your specific craft. What else can you implement into your practice?

Here is a short true or false quiz you can partake in if you are still unsure whether or not you are a Witch:

-you may feel connected with nature ever since you were a child. 

-you have always been interested in magic since you were a child.

-you have psychic abilities.

-you have always wanted to understand esoteric knowledge.

-you may be a little weird.

-you always want to learn more.

-you have a deep appreciation for everything. 

-children and animals seem to be drawn to your energy.

-you are sensitive and thoughtful.

-you may be called to heal.

-your manifestations come true.

It’s also worth noting that whilst it’s true that there are witches are out there, some do not identify with the term. Some people may prefer these terms instead:

  • Magick practitioner / magic user

  • Mystic

  • Occultist 

  • Energy worker 

  • Magician 

  • Spiritual healer 

  • Alchemist 

  • Warlock 

  • Sorcerer 

Witch and the terms above are more generalised and common and don’t typically belong to a culture or ethnic background. I’d advise you to research your own family history if you are not sure or interested to know more about where you come from and who your ancestors might be. Perhaps Witch isn’t a term you think suits your identity, and would rather use one that suits your cultural heritage instead. Which is absolutely fine!

With all that being said, I hope this was interesting and provided you with some knowledge or inspiration to attain more understanding of your practice as a witch. If you like the blog stay tuned as there is much more to come!

Please feel free to comment on what type of magick user you are and what practices you partake in :) 

With much love, Raven xxx


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