
Hello there, my name is Raven! I am a professional tarot reader, witch practitioner and naturalist. Typically apart from working part-time at my customer service job or partaking in my business duties, you can find me in my spare time researching esoteric themes, reading fiction books or frolicking amongst our vast West Australian bushland captivated by its beauty.

I am so excited to have this blog to use as a platform to share various types of information in hopes of providing more guidance to those seeking it and providing a safe space for others to share their opinions and experiences with other like-minded people. I know how it feels to feel alone on this spiritual journey we endeavour, and being able to provide this space brings me an unfathomable amount of joy and comfort. I encourage those who wish to share their ideas, experiences or questions to do so in the comments section which has been made available for you to do so. I would also like to add, that as this is a safe space I ask that we all remain respectful and friendly to others and not cause intentional harm. If I find any hateful or harmful comments they will be removed. Thank you for this in advance.

This blog will cover topics that include witchcraft practices, esoteric themes, tarot, book reviews and business-related announcements. With topics like these, they tend to have complex ideas or are full of hearty information. So, it can be very daunting to find and learn information about them without feeling overwhelmed or confused, trust me I’ve been there. With all that in mind, my main goal is to provide that knowledge to you in the most clear, concise and authentic way I can possibly describe.

I am a person that knows the importance of rediscovery of the self and a big part of that for me was the very practices of these various topics that I’ll cover.

I hope that you’ll enjoy the information, experiences and expertise that I’ll share and I hope that it’ll inspire others to take on the journey and time to endeavour their own spiritual beliefs and reconnect with themselves.

With much love, Raven xx


Am I a Witch?


Tarot Reading Questions.