Tarot Reading Questions.

Have you ever wanted to get a tarot reading, yet you have literally no idea what to ask or how to ask the question to your reader?

Trust me I've been there myself. As I started to learn more in my early career and exploration of tarot was when I finally began to learn how to ask the right questions for myself and then eventually for my clients.

This is why I've made this post in hopes it helps those that are a little confused or unsure how to formulate the right queries for you reading. There are many different types of questions we can ask to further explore what you want answered for your reading. If you are still uncertain please don't hesitate to reach out and contact me, that way we can work together to assist you in getting the best question suited to your needs,

  • What do I need to know about my life currently?

  • What do I need to know about my love life?

  • How can I move forward in my career/love life?

  • What should I do about the situation with this person?

  • What blessings are coming into my life?

  • What am I ignoring?

  • Where am I strongest?

  • How will this situation go?

  • What can I do to get closer to my purpose?

  • What can I do to create the life I desire?

  • How do they feel about me?

  • What do I need to do to get though this tough time?

  • How do others view me?

  • What do I need to let go?

  • How can I better connect with my ancestors and spirit guides?

  • How can I evolve spiritually?




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