Candle Magick 101

Firstly, what is magick? The term is best defined as the ritualisation of one’s intentions. It is the practice of bringing forth change in the form of influencing and accessing energies or unseen forces to manifest the desires of the practitioner. Magick involves various methods like rituals, symbols, and visualisation to harness and direct energy for that practitioner.

So, why is magick spelt how it is? The reason for the spelling choice was because of the famous 20th-century esotericist Aleister Crowley, who wanted to differentiate the term from stage magic. In today's practice, the usage of the word magick separates the spiritual practice from the fictional magic in novels and movies. Many practitioners opt to use this spelling as it allows them to feel more included and seen in their complex practices that they have worked hard to master, without getting muddied with current mainstream pop culture take on magic. It’s a form of reclaiming and redefining what the term is in its metaphysical and spiritual context. 

Magick can come in various forms, some including extensive ritualistic practices that can take hours or even days to prepare and conduct. Then, there are some which can take a couple of minutes to even seconds of combined effort. However, all of these are powerful in their own respect. 

Then what is candle magick? Candle magick is the term that defines the use of imbuing a candle with a specific intention that the practitioner wants to bring to fruition. It really is that simple. Did you know that there could have been a time where you have already done this? If you are a person that celebrates birthdays, and have made a wish on your cake then you technically have practised candle magick. There are many benefits of candle magick, here are some listed below: 

  • they are typically more cost-efficient 

  • they can be as simple or as extensive as you like

  • can be performed anywhere

Ok, how do I practice candle magick? The practice itself is really quite simple. That's what is so good about it and why many practitioners gravitate towards it.

Here’s how:

  1. Find a candle. Personally, I like to use candles called chime candles, they are small and thin and come in an array of different colours. They burn for a lesser duration meaning that the intention may be released quicker. Plus a little bonus, they are on the cheaper side.

  2. Anoint and imbue the candle with intention. I first choose a colour that associates or correlates with my spell's intent. Then, I like to add special oils that I have concocted to further enhance the visualisation and power of my spell candle. I also tend to carve Sigils into them to help me make a better connection to my intention.

  3. Now it’s time to light the candle, you must visualise and meditate on the intent of your spell whilst lighting the candle. 

  4. Then I like to sit with it for a while, meditating on the goal of the spell and how life will be during and after the spell.. 

  5. I like to wait until the candle has fully burned out. I don’t snuff my spell candles because to me it feels like I am snuffing out or stopping its magick. If I ever have no choice but to end the spell short, I will blow it out. This act to me is like blowing out my wish to the universe, it receives my special signature of DNA, because of the small spit particles that come out when the air blows out from my mouth. (Side note, when I work with spirit I always light a big candle, to me it’s like opening the door for them to come in, but when I cease my work with them I never blow them out, instead, I snuff it. To me blowing it out here, would be like spitting at them.)

Wait, colours can have a meaning? The meanings of colour are mostly agreed on by the magick user community. However, there will be some things in which one doesn’t agree with the predetermined association or meanings of colour. The way we perceive things is subject to change from person to person. This is what you should expect in the practice if you're new here and what makes it so special, as it fundamentally is a practice where it is very individualised. With all that in mind, please feel free to experiment until you find what suits and works best for you. Below is just a general guide that has proven useful in my own practice.

  • White- purifying and cleansing. Also, a great stand-in or all-purpose colour if you don’t have the specific colour on hand. 

  • Black- banishment, uncrossing and protection.   

  • Green- this colour reminds us of the earth element, so it’s thought to be great for grounding, growth and earthly possessions (like money.) 

  • Blue- represents calm, healing, clarity, protection and communication.

  • Purple- is great at reconnecting with your innate abilities such as intuition and the psychic senses. 

  • Pink- the self-care colour. It’s both nurturing and healing. 

  • Red- is used commonly in magick that wants to bring about passion, love, seduction and power. 

  • Yellow- abundance and joy is the typical association for this colour. Sometimes, yellow can be used in magickal workings that involve business and school, especially if it brings about a sense of happiness. 

  • Orange- is great for inspiration, creative endeavours and confidence. 

To conclude, candle magick despite how simple it can be is quite effective. If you are interested in the craft most practitioners encourage ‘baby witches’ to start candle magick as their first spells. I as a witch practitioner, encourage others that are interested in magick to start with candle magick but specifically focus their intentions on spiritual protection. The reason for this is because I believe as soon as one starts this work, a light tends to turn on above your head indicating that you are tuning into the frequency of the unseen world, meaning the unseen flocking to you like a moth to a flame. It can be very overwhelming for a baby witch to experience this at the start. 

I hope this helps those wanting to learn a little more about the craft. Please feel free to share your opinions and experiences in the comment section below.

With much love, Raven xx


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