
Insiders look into an Oracle Reading

I open up the space for clearer communication and insights from my intuition, psychic abilities and connection with my spiritual team.

I then conduct the reading, pulling out cards or allowing them to jump out to me to then interpret.

I interpret the cards by first writing my initial impressions from the cards as well as what I am getting from my other psychic senses.

After I have done the initial interpretation, I then explore it more in detail. Writing it out onto the pdf I have created for distribution for my clients.

After I have delved into the full meanings of every single card, I then take pictures of the cards to show my client their spread.

After everything has finished for my clients reading, I snuff out the candle signalling that the reading has ceased and pack everything away.

The reading from then on, is ready to be sent to my client, providing them the necessary guidance and clarification they sought, whilst also nourishing them with reconnection, encouragement and empowerment.

With much love, Raven xx

*please note this is for demonstration purpose and was not a real reading.


Cleansing my Altar Space